Tag: technology

Real Estate Website Technology 101 – Part 2: Domains & Registrars
What are domains? Domain extensions? Who are registrars? How do they work? In this continuation of the REWT 101 series, we’re covering these details and more.

#SenseiSays: Don’t become a tool of your tools
Audio Transcription:“Sensei says, don’t become a tool of your tools, and use technology just for the sake of using it. While technology and tools can
The Modern Real Estate Agent: Part 1
This week, RESAAS – The Real Estate Social Network – published an article on their blog that was submitted by our Co-Founder Ninja, Casimir Loeber.

Phone, Tablet, Laptop: How to Optimize Your Email Content for Every Screen Size Out There
The recent explosion in popularity over the last few years for mobile Internet devices means that no longer are people reading email strictly on large
A Couple Trends in Real Estate Technology You Need to Capitalize on
In 2014, real estate websites are more important than ever before. Why? Because while printed classifieds and real estate publications are shrinking every month (in