Tag: Real Estate Marketing

Real Estate Website Technology 101 – Part 2: Domains & Registrars
What are domains? Domain extensions? Who are registrars? How do they work? In this continuation of the REWT 101 series, we’re covering these details and more.

Over a Pint Podcast with Sepy Bazzazi (on Real Estate Marketing)
In Late December, Sepy was a guest on the Over a Pint Podcast with Andrew Fogliato, founder of Just Sell Homes, talking about real estate marketing!

VOW & Sold Listing Search Now Available In Select Areas! Plus A Bunch Of Sweet New Features.
Let’s start with the big news… the news that many of you have been waiting for: VOW & Sold Listing Search Functionality is NOW AVAILABLE on RealtyNinja

Working from Home: The Home Office Desks of RealtyNinja (+ Remote Working Tips!)
Our team has been working from home for nearly a decade. Curious what a remote team’s office looks like? Look no further.