If you’re a REALTOR® who is still not effectively using real estate Landing Pages to promote your website & business, this was written for you.
You up for a metaphor?
Your website is an airport. The airplanes are your website visitors. You are the air traffic controller sitting in the big tower. You are directing airplanes to land on the correct runway so passengers can make it through to the airport… With us so far, frequent fliers?
So what do airplanes, traffic controllers and runways have to do with attracting real estate leads via landing pages?
The different runways are your Landing Pages!!

Without them, the plane could head to the wrong terminal, the gate won’t match the passengers’ desired location, and all the passengers (your audience) won’t be able to make it through to the airport (your brand/services/site).
Landing pages are a REALTORS® BFF, so you’re going to want to pay careful attention on how to build effective landing pages that convert your site visitors into real estate leads.
Ready for takeoff? Let’s go.
What Is A Real Estate Landing Page?
A key component of being a real estate agent is learning about each individual client’s interests and needs when helping them in their real estate journey. In a similar way, effective real estate marketing requires offering up the exact information that viable leads are seeking.
By creating targeted landing pages for specific audiences, you can present the right message to the right people at exactly the right time. This is one of the benefits of a landing page, as it positions you as the answer to their question as well as makes it a no-brainer for them to take the desired action (which is often leaving their contact info).

When someone clicks your ad—whether it’s for a real estate listing or to learn more about your services—they’re telling you that the ad’s headline or image piqued their interest. (Why would they click if they weren’t interested?) All that’s left to do is show them more of the same with a dedicated landing page.
The BEST real estate landing pages only have one clear objective and call to action. That’s why they don’t include the entire website menu at the top of the page. Removing the main menu from a webpage allows your visitors to focus on the objective of that page, rather than getting distracted by everything else your site has to offer.
The average human has a 12 second attention span or something alarmingly short like that… thus, the less distractions the better.
Benefits Of A Real Estate Landing Page
Consider this… Your real estate website as a whole has various objectives. A full featured REALTOR® website can:
- Build credibility,
- market your clients listings,
- provide a home search for buyers,
- introduce yourself and your brand,
- display developments,
- showcase various communities,
- provide market updates,
- present home values,
- show your buying process,
- show your selling process,
- highlight your expertise,
- etc.
If your real estate website as a whole is geared towards accomplishing all of these objectives, then naturally the individual pages (or sections) on your website should each be focused on one of these objectives.
For instance, the objective of your “Sold Listings” page is to showcase your credibility and track record as an agent. The objective of your “Blog” is to highlight your relevant expertise and to attract new visitors organically. The objective of your “Free Home Evaluation” page is to earn seller leads through your website.
Next time you go to share your Sold Listings, Blog or Free Home Evaluation page in a marketing campaign, why not activate Landing Page Mode first by adding ?landing=1 to the URL before sharing it!

[-_-]~~ Ninja Tip: Your website’s homepage is often NOT the most effective landing page. The objective of a homepage is usually to highlight various actions a website visitor can take on your website, rather than to achieve one clear objective. Your homepage usually contains a few call to actions as well as your main website navigation menu – which contains 5, 10, 15 or more links to pages.
What Should A Real Estate Landing Page Include?
If airplanes (website visitors) are all flying overhead and you’re not directing any of them to land on your runways (landing pages), then your airport (website) is completely inefficient. You’re also betting that people will be able to navigate their way to your desired outcome without getting lost along the way. Good luck!

You can’t just create landing pages on your real estate website, and pray that visitors will show up. You need to do some work to direct visitors to your landing pages and website overall.
When it comes to determining the key components of a landing page, strong copywriting is high on the list. Think of it as a digital salesperson: it speaks to thousands of potential clients at once, builds interest, and encourages people to take a desired action. Get it right and strong copywriting can turn any landing page into a lead-generating machine.
- Keep your copy conversational and make sure it matches your brand voice.
- Write copy that clearly addresses your target audience’s needs and benefits of your services.
- Add compelling headers and include a clear call to action that tells people what to do next.
- Remember: people’s attention spans are short so it’s important to be concise.
The Ninjas want to help real estate agents make landing pages a priority in 2023, and to make them as approachable and accessible to you as possible.
Below are some tips to help you optimize your real estate landing pages, and some concepts for landing pages that real estate agents can use to achieve various objectives.
Landing Page Optimization Tips:
- Know your target audience for the landing page.
- Make sure your offer or objective is clear.
- Ensure your landing page is providing value to the visitor.
- Keep the call-to-action obvious and straightforward.
- Use contrasting colours to make important items stand out.
- Include testimonials & other credibility builders.
- Reduce barriers to entry (shorter forms, less hoops to jump through.)
- Keep messaging consistent between your ad & landing page.
- Make sure the landing page is mobile friendly/responsive.
- Include images & video on your landing pages.
- Remove the main website navigation from your landing page (possible with RealtyNinja!)
- Keep it simple & focused, don’t over complicate the page with info.
- Create LOTS of real estate landing pages to amplify your reach.
[-_-]~~~ Ninja Tip: After you create a landing page on your real estate website, you can point a full domain to it. This is particularly useful when you’re trying to promote the landing page via offline print advertising. It’s much more ninja to print a short URL such as “www.lynnvalleycondos.com” than it is to print “www.bobtherealtor.com/condos-in-lynn-valley”.
How To Get Your Landing Page Seen
Canadians are online – that’s an undeniable fact. That doesn’t mean they are just going to visit your website out of the goodness of their hearts; they’re nice but not that nice.
It’s up to you to provide them a good enough reason to visit, AND to show them the way to get there.
One important website marketing strategy has always been, and will always be: Search Engine Optimization (SEO.) SEO will always drive traffic to your website, so make sure you’re optimizing your website to be discovered online organically.
While SEO is always important, driving relevant traffic to a single-objective landing page often requires an extra marketing push. That’s why specific marketing campaigns are important when promoting real estate landing pages.
One useful tactic for sending traffic to your landing pages is to use Google Ads, Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads. FB & IG advertising is still relatively affordable (compared to Google) considering how many people you can potentially reach, and how specifically you can target your audience.
To promote your real estate landing pages, follow these high level steps:
- Create a landing page on your real estate website with a clear objective.
- Write some engaging copy for a Facebook/Instagram ad.
- Create an Ad on Facebook/Instagram that sends traffic to your landing page.
- Track how many visitors your ad sent to your landing page & measure your goal conversions.
- Repeat with different objectives until you identify your most highly converting ad & landing page combo.
- Pat yourself on the back for being a highly effective modern real estate marketer.
[-_-]~~~ Ninja Tip: Include links to some of your real estate landing pages from the footer of your website! The footer is a great place to promote landing pages that don’t exist on the main navigation of your website. Here’s some useful info about designing an awesome website footer from our friends at Slickplan.
Real Estate Landing Page Examples & Tips
- New Development Landing Page
- Purpose: Residential buildings are going up all over the place! Create a landing page that highlights these new developments and attract individuals who are interested in new builds ASAP.
- Type of Leads: Buyer Leads
- Call to Action: “Contact” form on page, or “Request More Info / Request a Showing” forms on listings within development. The goal here is to get visitors to register their interest so you can get in touch with them.
- Free Home Evaluation Landing Page
- Purpose: Gives visitors a better idea of their property’s market value, an essential step if they’re looking to sell their home. The form should include pertinent information regarding their property – aka number of bed/bathrooms, square feet, and property age.
- Type of Leads: Seller Leads
- Call to Action: “Discover Your Home’s Worth/What Is My Home Worth?” If they’re looking to sell their home, these leads will want to know how much they can get for it. Tailor your CTA so it sparks their interest.
- Downloadable Resource Landing Page
- Purpose: Visitors can only access this resource by providing their name and email address. Not only do visitors receive valuable information that they’re interested in, but it’s also a great lead generation tactic!
- Type of Leads: Buyer / Seller Leads (depends on content)
- Call to Action: Usually an Email Address capture form. Often linked to an automated email that contains the resource. You’ll want to use headlines and copy that tells visitors why this resource is relevant to them and what information it contains.
- Neighbourhood Showcase Landing Page
- Purpose: Want to reach new buyers in specific communities? Creating a neighbourhood landing page is a perfect way to showcase an area to a niche audience.
- Type of Leads: Buyer Leads who are looking to move neighbourhoods so they can get a sense of amenities and home prices in the area
- Call to Action: “Contact” form on page, or “Request More Info / Request a Showing” forms on listings within the neighbourhood. Similar to the New Development landing page, the goal here is to grab their contact information.
- Condo Building Landing Page
- Purpose: Describes a specific building and lists the available properties for sale within it. This comes in handy when there are multiple units available in a building!
- Type of Leads: Buyer Leads
- Call to Action: “Contact” form on page, or “Request More Info / Request a Showing” forms on listings within the condo building. Again, you’ll want their contact information so you can get in touch and learn more about what they’re looking for.
- Sold Listings Data Landing Page
- Purpose: Provides data on recently sold properties in specific areas as well as showcases your credibility and track record as an agent.
- Type of Leads: Seller Leads
- Call to Action: “Looking to sell your home? Get in touch via Phone, Email or Form” on the page.
- Home Search Landing Page
- Purpose: Dedicated to helping people find their perfect home in a community. This populates results that match their specific filters (aka property type, number of bath/bedrooms and square footage)
- Type of Leads: Buyer Leads
- Call to Action: “Contact” form on page, or “Request More Info / Request a Showing” forms on listings within results.
- Email Marketing Landing Page
- Purpose: Asks visitors to subscribe to your mailing list, usually in return for some perk(s). Wondering how email marketing can benefit your real estate business? Check out this article!
- Type of Leads: Mailing List Subscribers (Future Buyers & Sellers)
- Call to Action: “Subscribe to Mailing List/Stay Connected” form with email capture
- Realtor® Marketing Landing Page
- Purpose: Describes how you market your clients’ properties, and why they should work with you. This gives leads a little bit more information on what your approach is as a REALTOR® so they can determine if you’d be the right fit.
- Type of Leads: Buyer / Seller Leads (depending on your target market)
- Call to Action: Get in touch via Phone, Email or Form on the page
Try A/B testing two different versions of the same landing page against each other… for instance, create a Home Search Landing Page for North Vancouver and another one for West Vancouver and set up an ad campaign for both with equal budgets. See which one provides you with better results. Or create a Free Home Evaluation Landing Page that is mostly purple, and another one that is mostly green. Find out if one colour resonates better with your target audience!
Another benefit of landing pages is that you can A/B test a variety of things to learn which page converts more visitors into leads. You can spend all of 2023 testing different varieties of landing pages and ads until you find your sweet spot. Then in late 2023 or early 2024, testing will be over and you’ll be ready to put all of your marketing budget into your most effective landing page and ad combo. CHA-CHING!
Important: There is no silver bullet in marketing. Always remember that good marketing means providing value to your audience. If you set up a real estate landing page that provides zero value, you can send a million visitors to it and it still won’t be effective in converting those visitors to leads. Before you start sending traffic to a landing page, make sure the value proposition is strong.
How To Create A Landing Page?
If you’re a RealtyNinja website customer, you can easily turn ANY PAGE on your website into a highly effective landing page by hiding the main website navigation. All you need to do to enable “Landing Page Mode” is add the following text to the end of the URL on any page of your site: ?landing=1
Here’s a standard RealtyNinja webpage URL: https://www.craigveroni.ca/your-homes-market-evaluation-in-24-hours
Here’s the exact same URL with the ?landing=1 text added to the end of it… notice how the menu gets hidden: https://www.craigveroni.ca/your-homes-market-evaluation-in-24-hours?landing=1
This is a great way to increase conversion rates when you want to send targeted traffic to a very specific page or section of your website, as it keeps them focused on the content at hand. No distractions from all the links to other pages on your website!
This feature is 100% free and live on your RealtyNinja website already. Try adding the text ?landing=1 to the end of ANY of your own RealtyNinja webpage URLs (including your listings!).
If you want to go the extra mile, our design ninjas can professionally customize landing pages for you at an affordable one time fee. Whatever your campaign is, our Design Ninjas will make your custom landing page ideas come to life. Our expert team will also optimize it and ensure it includes all the key components so you don’t have to spend hours asking yourself “what should a landing page include?”
For more information, check out this offer – notice that it’s a landing page ;)
Hiding Your Landing Page From Search Engines
There may be times when you don’t want to drive organic traffic to your landing page. For instance, if you are using your landing page for a specific ad/marketing campaign (such as paid ads). By hiding your landing page from search engines, you’ll know that traffic is coming from a specific source. This is a great way to measure how your ad/marketing campaign is performing!
To hide your landing page from search engines:
1. Click “Show Advanced Options” in the Page Options lightbox.
2. Enable the “Hide this page from search engines” option and Save.

Landing Page Builders for Real Estate Agents
You’ll want to incorporate different landing pages throughout your real estate career and marketing strategy (scroll up to the Real Estate Landing Page Examples section for some ideas).
So how do you go about building your own real estate landing page?
When creating a landing page you can go with a generic landing page builder or one that caters specifically to real estate agents, like RealtyNinja! Here are some examples of popular landing page builders that don’t have real estate functionality, but are great for general marketing campaigns.
Unbounce is one of the most popular landing page builders – and for good reason. It’s easy-to-use and intuitive, making it a great option for beginners. You don’t need to know one line of HTML, JavaScript, PHP, or any other coding language to get the most out of it!
Unbounce offers a wide range of landing page templates and all you have to do is select the one that’s right for your business and add your text. Their drag-and-drop feature makes it easy to move content around, add page elements, and make edits quickly. Instead of taking days to build a landing page, you can do it in a few hours.

If, for whatever reason, you don’t like any of their templates, that’s no problem. You can create your own landing page from scratch. Start with a blank canvas and play around with adding the text, images, and design that works best for your target audience.
Cost: Starting at $90USD/month
Similar to Unbounce, Leadpages is a conversion-focused landing page builder that’s very straightforward and ideal for non-designers.
Literally anyone can use Leadpages to build and publish a landing page in a matter of hours – no design or coding experience needed. If you can use a mouse and keyboard you can use Leadpages! Content snaps into the predefined sections, rows, and columns so it looks professionally made.

All of Leadpages’ templates focus on conversions, but the Leadmeter takes it one step further. As you build your page, it provides guidelines and recommendations for your images, copy, and layout that are based on best practices. Regardless of your conversion optimization experience, this feature gives you a sense of how well your page will convert.
Cost: Starting at $49/month
Specifically designed for generating leads, nurturing leads, and closing leads, ClickFunnels builds landing pages and funnels. Sales funnels guide visitors from interest to conversion, making it a great tool if you’re looking to up your lead generation game.
So which is better — a landing page or an entire sales funnel?
The honest answer is that both can generate qualified leads. Whether you stick with a beautifully designed and optimized landing page or a well-crafted sales funnel, you can rest assured that both options work just fine.
That being said, ClickFunnels has a powerful and easy-to-use drag-and-drop visual editor, similar to the other platforms we looked at. All you have to do is add your own copy, images, and logo into a proven-to-convert format and customize the necessary elements. It also makes use of A/B testing features so you can put your money behind your best performing landing page!

Cost: Starting at $147/month
How To Pick The Best Service For You
As you can see, every landing page builder is fairly similar in their offerings. So how do you choose which one to use? The good news is that it doesn’t really matter – they all do the same basic things with a sprinkling of additional features.
It truly comes down to preference and your needs as a REALTOR®. That being said, we find a lot of their templates are fairly generic and geared towards e-commerce or product based businesses. To get the most out of your landing page and ensure you’re giving the visitors the information they need, we recommend creating a REALTOR®/MLS® specific landing page.
Are you ready to be a better air traffic controller?
We want to help you land more airplanes at your airport this year! That’s why we’re offering real estate landing page designs as an additional service for our customers.
You can order a beautifully designed landing page from RealtyNinja, that helps you achieve various objectives! These real estate landing pages can easily be added to your existing RealtyNinja website.