New features – Stylish Theme, Sitemaps, Location Updates, Social Media, etc.

Introducing “Stylish” a New RealtyNinja Theme

We just launched a new theme called “Stylish” that is now available in your theme selection dropdown list. If you want to use it, just login to your website, click “Edit My Website” and choose “Stylish” from the theme picker on the top right.

You can see a live example of it here

Expect a bunch of cool variations on this layout coming soon. If you have suggestions on what you would like to see we would love to hear from you.

Auto-Generated Google Sitemaps XML

Your website is now more search engine friendly… and you didn’t even have to do anything, cool eh?

We automatically place a formatted xml file with a site map on our server, this enables search engine crawlers (like Google) to find out what pages are present and which have recently changed, and to crawl your site accordingly. This is now done automatically on all RealtyNinja websites.

Location Updates to Active/Sold Listings and Buildings

Active and sold listings, as well as buildings, added to your website are now displayed on a map as well as table view.

In your “Listings” tab in the backend; when adding a listing manually (not via MLS number) you now have to choose the area/sub-area from a dropdown list. This ensures the location is geocoded properly on the map. If the system is unable to find the location, or the location it finds is a bit off.. you can easily adjust the map marker to the correct position manually. The same goes for buildings you’ve added to your website.

Our team has gone through everyone’s websites and made sure all the listings and buildings you’ve added have been positioned properly.

Social Media Links and Detailed Contact Info

Quickly add links to your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts through your “Settings” tab under “Social Networking” and have it appear in the Quick Contact areas on your website.

Google Maps Clustering

Listings that share the same base address (such as ones in the same condo) are now automatically grouped into a single map marker.