Hey Ninjas, who’s been waiting all year for this post? That’s right, it’s Design Month again! We’re so excited to share what’s been going on behind the scenes in preparation for this event, and what’s available for you to take advantage of during November 2022.
Semi-custom Themes
We’ll cut to the chase and introduce what everyone wants to know first: What’s the sale on semi-customs this year? Similar to previous Design Months, we’re offering 20% off all our regular semi-customs including some of your favourites like Hanzo, Kato, Mei, and Midori.
This means that all our $699+tax themes are now $559.20+tax, and our $1099+tax themes are now $879.20+tax, for the month of November 2022.
Make sure to get your Design Request Forms in by the end of Nov 30th to take advantage of this deal!

We have something even MORE exciting to announce. Over the past year our design team has worked very hard at developing their skills, efficiency, and creative solutions — and we get to pass on the fruits of this labour to you!
We are excited to announce two amazing new themes: Kagome, and Miro. For Design Month, we are offering these two themes at 50% off!
Let us introduce you to them with their full details.
New Semi-Custom: Kagome
Customized price: $699 $349.50+tax (50% OFF).

Visit https://www.realtyninjademo.com/kagome for a live demo of Kagome.
This affordable design is packed to the brim with amazing touches that will be sure to catch potential clients’ eyes! From the banner image and full page animations to special interactive surprises, this theme is great for those looking to “wow” with their professional and dependable brand vision.

New Semi-Custom: Miro
Customized price: $1099 $549.50+tax (50% OFF).

Visit https://www.realtyninjademo.com/miro for a live demo of Miro.
Our Design Ninjas have gone all out in making another new highly customized theme! Introducing Miro: a beautiful and warm design with a unique menu, community box layout, testimonial carousel, and gorgeous visual pageflow (check out those backgrounds!).
Fun fact, this is the second theme named after one of our team’s beloved pets — this one is for Design Ninja Jesse’s adorable new rottweiler!

Remember that if you love the layout and custom touches that these themes offer, you’ll love it even more with your own brand design applied! We can’t wait to see how these new designs are transformed with your own unique styles.
To order Kagome, Miro or any customization service simply login to your RealtyNinja website (yourwebsite.com/login) and click into the theme customization page, or get in touch.
New: Touch-up Package
This year has been a little different for all of us; There have been a lot of ups and downs (and turnarounds)! We wanted to help agents get their default Katana site looking a little more unique and professionally designed without having to go for a full customization.
Introducing the all-new, all-affordable Touch-up Package. Priced at just $299+tax.
Get a great looking website for even less!
Check out the short video below for an overview.
This service includes up to 3 hours of design time, in which you’ll have your site updated with a fresh colour palette, new typography, and images changed out to ones more applicable to your area, niche, and audience. You’ll also be able to choose 2 custom items from a list of 9 options that will add an extra touch of “awesome!” to your website as part of this package.

This is a great value and we hope to help many agents with default Katana websites feel like their website is better suited to them without having to do the work!
All of this will be done within 3 business days of your request being processed (although this may need to be extended depending on how popular it is this month — we’ll let you know).
Check out the options and possibilities of what we can do to your site here: https://get.realtyninja.com/touchup-package
New Customization Examples
Want to see what our Design Ninjas are capable of producing? Check out our customized website examples.

Coming up…
Later this month you can expect to get more great design-focused content, and a little something to say “thank you” from us to you… and then to your clients! Keep an eye on your inboxes and our social media for updates.
Design Month is very special to us, and we’d love to hear what you think! Please don’t hesitate to comment on our social media or send us an email, we’d really love to hear from you. Until next time!
daren Gull
February 12, 2023 at 12:41 am
I like the Miro. How SEO and Google Friendly are these sites?
Ramin Sabour
March 8, 2023 at 10:22 am
Hi Daren, so glad you like it! Our websites are SEO-optimized in many ways. They’re built with Google’s Search Central guidelines in mind. We use modern, search-friendly code and best practices, fast load times (via CDN’s, SSL security, automatic Meta tags, page-specific meta tags, clean URL’s, Facebook Open Graph, automatic XML sitemaps, auto canonical tagging and lots of other technological aspects of modern SEO. One thing we do not provide (that can be really beneficial for SEO) is copywriting services and unique content generation. A marketing agency or writer could definitely help you with that aspect of SEO. Another part of the SEO puzzle that you could do or get help with from an agency is securing backlinks to your website (from other reputable websites in your industry and network). In short, we take care of all the things you’d expect a modern website platform to be able to do.. but we’re not a marketing agency. I hope that helps answer your question!