Category: Websites

Real Estate Website 101: Where to Begin with a New or Updated Site
Your guide to structuring, building, and optimizing a lead-generating real estate site.

Blurred Lines: Building a Personal Brand, While Keeping your Life Personal
A guest post from our friends at Burke by Burke.

We Went Big for Design Month 2023: Discounts, New Semi-Custom, and a Limited Edition Design.
Our team brought new meaning to “Ninja” this year.

SEO For REALTORS® – A Brief Guide by Salt Water Digital
Valuable tips and strategies to help you optimize your website, create compelling content, and get more traffic to your listings.

AI Listing Description Generator
Announcing the AI Listing Description Generator, from RealtyNinja Labs — a new innovation lab within RealtyNinja.

How to Do a Basic SEO Audit on your Real Estate Website
A 10 step SEO checklist covering some of the essential factors that will help you rank higher in 2022.

20% Off All Semi-custom Designs for November, New Design Option & Reimagined Semi-customs!
Stand Out Without Breaking the Bank or Reinventing the Wheel.

Real Estate Website Technology 101 – Part 2: Domains & Registrars
What are domains? Domain extensions? Who are registrars? How do they work? In this continuation of the REWT 101 series, we’re covering these details and more.