Category: Modern Marketing

A story of real blogging success in the real estate industry

Well class, it looks like we have struck Dojo gold today! Over the weekend I came across a fantastic interview between The Real Estate Tomato

5 Seemingly Small E-mail Mistakes REALTORS Make All The Time

As time goes on, your clients will only get more advanced and integrated with technology. If you’re not, you may be sending the wrong impression

The Inconvenient Truth About SEO

Smashing Magazine, a very popular website for professional web designers and developers, wrote an article bursting the SEO bubble and shed some light on the

Why should I use you as my real estate agent?

When it comes to marketing in the world of real estate, this is the most important question you should be asking yourself and you better

The Best Tools for Your Website

Guest post by our friends at Not every REALTOR® can afford to plaster his or her face on billboards all over the city. Making

A smarter way to share content and help establish yourself as a thought leader on twitter

So you’ve finally decided to take the plunge and see what this twitter thing is all about. Maybe it’s because you believe that it will

Technology or die: 10 truths of technology and why it’s essential for the modern day real estate agent.

I started writing an article on the subject of what makes a good real estate website and had a bit of an epiphany; how can

Understanding Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a very powerful and entirely free tool that any business, large or small, should be using to optimize their website. It’s an

One of the deadliest weapons in a real estate agent’s arsenal

Let’s say there was a pill you could take that would without a doubt make you a more effective real estate agent, spouse, parent and