Category: Modern Marketing

5 Ways Your Open House Can Tell A Story

Think of an open house as more than just a property showing and awesome things begin to happen. What if your next open house was more of

Your real estate blog is not dead, it's sleeping

Your Real Estate Blog Isn’t Dead, It’s Sleeping

If you’re one of our esteemed Dojo readers, you may be wondering why we haven’t published anything here for the past couple weeks. The truth is…

Virtual Reality Girl with Headset

What REALTORS® Need To Know About Virtual Reality

2016 is the year of Virtual Reality. Companies such as HTC, Sony and Oculus (owned by Facebook) are releasing consumer virtual reality headsets for the

How to Write a Real Estate Blog Post in 20 Minutes

How To Write a Real Estate Blog Post in 25 Minutes

Have you ever resolved to be a more active real estate blogger, only to realize that it’s actually a bigger undertaking than you anticipated? Do you have the

5 Real Estate Marketing Trends That Are Making A Comeback

5 Real Estate Marketing Trends That Are Making A Comeback

It’s one thing to be able to identify and adopt current real estate marketing trends and advances in technology. It’s another thing entirely to be

Saved Audience Feature Image

Saved Audiences: How REALTORS® can Target a Niche with Facebook Ads

Years ago when I first signed up for my current Facebook profile, they asked me a handful of questions. What’s your birthday? What is your relationships

Technology to improve your open house

5 Ways to Improve Your Open House with Tech

Your open houses are an opportunity for you to market yourself to dozens of potential long-term customers. Why not optimize this lucrative marketing funnel to bring

Put the REAL back in REALTOR

Use Transparency to put the REAL back in REALTOR®

Being transparent with the public about some areas of your life is a scary concept that doesn’t come easily to all. For some folks, the idea

Hashtags are Buckets

Real Estate Marketing Hashtags – the Ninja Way

The what, why, where and how. #whenever